
Liwung is a five note pentatonic scale subset of Pelog. Pelog is one of the two tunings that ensemble instruments are tuned to in a Sundanese Gamelan Pelog Salendro. In traditional Sundanese music repertoire, though a Gamelan Pelog Salendro has instruments tuned to Pelog and Salendro, the two tunings are never used simultaneously, except for being used interchangeably in cases of modulation. Similarly, while there are seven Pelog notes, it is always used pentatonically with only one five note scale used at a time. The Liwung scale is also known as Pelog Da=Galimer and has the pitch order: S (Singul)-G (Galimer)-B (Bungur)-L (Loloran)-T (Tugu). See A Guide to Sundanese Gamelan Tuning for more information.

The Ableton tuning library includes examples based on recordings from two Pelog Salendro gamelans. The base note of Gamelan Pelog Salendro TBN, tuned in a Javanese style, is Tugu=472Hz, while Gamelan Kyai Kangjeng Fatahillah from Bandung (KF) is tuned lower in a more traditional Sundanese style with Tugu=451Hz.

Gamelan to-be-named (TBN)

Gamelan Kyai Kangjeng Fatahillah (KF)

The above will match the black keys on a MIDI piano if using "Black Keys Only" in a Track's MIDI Controller Layout within Live.

In Pelog gamelan performances, sometimes each scale can be played as a modulation of Salendro or created as a multi-scale between Jawar, Liwung, and Sorog.