Degung Tri Suara

Degung Tri Suara, used in Gamelan Pelog Salendro compositions, is derived from the Salendro scale. This theoretically based tuning is usually used by the soloist rebab (stringed instrument) or singers (Sinden) during "multi-scale" performance where the gamelan ensemble plays in Salendro and the solo melody plays using this separate but related scale.

This Degung scale uses five tones with the names La-Ti-Na-Mi-Da. This scale is called "Degung Tri Suara” because there are three tones that are the same as Salendro tones, namely: Da=Tugu, Na=Panelu, and Ti=Galimer. See A Guide to Sundanese Gamelan Tuning for more information about how it is derived.

The Ableton tuning library includes examples based on two Pelog Salendro gamelans. The base note of Gamelan Pelog Salendro TBN, tuned in a Javanese style, is Tugu=472Hz, while Gamelan Kyai Kangjeng Fatahillah from Bandung (KF) is tuned lower in a more traditional Sundanese style with Tugu=451Hz. A reminder, "Tugu" from Salendro is the same note as "Da" in Degung Tri Suara.

Gamelan to-be-named (TBN)

Gamelan Kyai Kangjeng Fatahillah (KF)

The above will match the black keys on a MIDI piano if using "Black Keys Only" in a Track's MIDI Controller Layout within Live

An example of the use of the Degung Tri Suara scale in gamelan Salendro can be heard in the video link: Daun Hiris. In that example, the rebab (bow instrument) and singers use the Degung Tri Suara scale, while the gamelan accompaniment uses the Salendro scale.

Today the Degung Tri Suara/Dwi Suara, Mataraman, Madenda and Wisaya scales based on the Salendro scale are not only played/sung by soloists. Many gamelan groups have created variations of the scale that have come to be referred to as "Gamelan Selap" or “Gamelan Multi Laras”. An example can be heard in the video link: Karatagan Wayang Sunda.