43 Undecimal Partch G-392Hz

For a general introduction to Just (Rational) Intonation and these presets, please visit Introduction to Just or Rational Intonation (JI).

About this tuning

43-tone undecimalIn Just/Rational Intonation tunings, ratios are often categorized by the prime numbers that constitute them. The Latin-derived terms "tertial" and "quintal," initiated by composer Catherine Lamb, are used to semantically describe the color and function qualities of the specific primes referenced (3 and 5), as well as the chordal and scale structures these primes generate. Higher primes have traditionally been named in similar manner, i.e. "septimal" (7), "undecimal" (11), "tridecimal" (13), etc.Visit the link to learn more Rational Intonation scale by Harry Partch, consisting of 43 divisions per octave derived symmetrically from both harmonic and subharmonic series (otonalities and utonalities) up to a prime limit of 11. Partch’s original tuning was based on G (392 Hz), while this scala file uses the standard reference tone C. Therefore, each of Partch’s ratios have been multiplied by 3/2 and normalized, so that his original pitch-heights are retained. A is tuned to 441 Hz.

Learning more

Legend of ASCII Notations

The following ASCII are used to write note names in rational intonation:

For EDO systems, the standard notation uses a degree and division, i.e. 1\31 for the first step of 31edo. If another interval is being divided, it may be placed in brackets or angle brackets afterwards, i.e. 1\11 (3/2) for Wendy Carlos beta.